Hi, I'm Lise! I'm 6 years old and very friendly! My favorite thing in the world is belly rubs and I love taking walks and exploring NYC. While I'm missing toes on my back right paw, that doesn't stop me from climbing stairs or taking walks (and it gives me a pretty cute walk if I do say so myself.) I'm generally pretty laid back and I don't make too noise most of the time. Lise is 6 years old and is fully grown at 18 lbs. She is up to date on all age appropriate medical care and microchipped. Her breed is unknown as we have not had a DNA test done. Although our dogs are listed as "unknown breed", buildings with specific dog restrictions typically enforce their rules based on what breeds a dog appears to resemble. It's always important to keep that in mind and know your building's policies before adopting a dog. This dog is available for adoption through Muddy Paws Rescue. If you're interested in adopting, the first thing you should do is fill out an adoption application at www.muddypawsrescue.org. If you are already an approved adopter with Muddy Paws Rescue, please email us at adoptionmeetings@muddypawsrescue.org.