I'm definitely more outgoing and less shy than my sister Cinder. If you're nice to me, I'll be in your lap quickly letting you pet me, and I purr very loudly and am very affectionate. I was weaned a little early and still haven't quite been broken of my kittyhood suckling - I like the inside of your arm and will purr like crazy while I'm doing it. If you'll let me, I'll sleep at the foot of your bed at night and come up next to you and purr when you wake up in the morning. I'm very playful with my sister Cinder. We love to chase each other or chase balls or wand toys. We love to chase each other, or balls and wand toys. My favorite toys are kitty tunnels and "Tower of Tracks. Our foster mom taught us well, so if I climb on something I'm not supposed to, just say "no or "down and I know exactly what that means. I'll never sharpen my claws on your furniture if you provide a scratching box. Overall, I'm very well behaved.