Pink was surrendered along with another cat on 5/14 after their owner passed away. She was described as friendly with people (although she can be nervous with strangers at first) and fully litter trained. 9/19 per staff: Pink was so social yesterday with two acas! She was rubbing against the gate allowing them to pet her and remained very relaxed and affectionate 8/25 per staff: Went to visit Pink this AM on my way into work as I love her dearly. I walked in and Pink was hiding under the desk and did give me a single hiss -to be fair! I really clunked my way in with my backpack on and I would be scared as well. I sat down on the ground and she came right over, giving a big stretch and a high tipped tail with tail shake, prancing over for pets. She could not get enough love! She was constantly rubbing on me for more pets, leaning her full body weight on me and rolling 8/09 per staff: Pink is the sweetest perfect girl. She is a bit shy but with some gentle floor taps and calling to her she gave me a nice high friendly tail and tail shake, stretched, and calmly walked right over to me. She rubbed on me for pets and got so much more confident circling me over time, even plopping exposing her belly while making biscuits. What an angel! 8/09 per staff: At close to 3 months length of stay, Pink is one of our longest term resident cats. She's been in my office for the past two weeks and, in that time, has opened up immensely! Every time I come into the office, she runs to greet me with a little meow. She is fully litter box trained and has been an excellent roomate, never destructive or attempting to escape. Pink is a perfect petite girl who loves pets and head scratches and wants nothing more than to find a quiet home to call her own. 7/19 per staff: observed coming out of den and interested in me waking by, no clear signs of fear/aggression 5/24 per staff: Pink is very hissy in kennel and hides in her feral box.