Carrot ACCT-A-103211 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Carrot must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Sunday, November 7th, at 10:00am. Should Carrot's medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change. Carrot is a senior male cat who previously lived within the community noted to be injured by his finder. Upon examination, he was noted to have a big belly but is muscle wasted on hind end and spine and seems to walk gingerly. No fractures were able to be felt, however he does appear uncomfortable when his hip are manipulated. Carrot would benefit from additional diagnostics including xrays to determine the cause, extent, and potential treatment for his presentation. Carrot has $45 in pledges for the rescue that pulls Confirmed placement is considered confirmation of an actual rescue pull. Possible placement, interested parties, and other "TBD" statuses are not considered confirmed and do not indicate an animal is no longer urgent. If you are an adopter interested in this pet you must connect with a rescue partner willing to pull on your behalf. ACCT Philly is located at 111 West Hunting Park Ave in Philadelphia. We are open for adoptions 7 days a week. Please visit for details.