
Frequently Asked Questions

1 Why are my boxes showing up strangely when I run Shelterluv in Internet Explorer?

Shelterluv is built with a set of mobile-ready buttons, boxes, and text. That means we run great on your smartphone or tablet but not on Internet Explorer. We wish they liked us more, but we are slow and ugly on IE. Any other browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc) is just great!

2 Can I search for animals by things other than name?

Yes! You can find the animals in your shelter by their Shelterluv ID number by typing "#" in front of the id number. You can also search by their microchip id by typing "m#" in front of the microchip number. Last, you can search by the IDs given to them by previous shelters, if you entered them, by typing "old#" in front of the previous ID.

3 Can I search for people by things other than name?

Yes! You can search for people by their whole name, or you can specify a last name search by typing "L:" in front of a last name. You can do the same for a first name with "F:" You can search by their Shelterluv person ID by typing "#:" in front of their name, by email using "email:" and by typing "email:", by phone number by typing "phone:", and by street address by typing "street:"

4 Adding a new animal

All animals come to us from somebody! To add a new animal, first locate the person or partner they are coming to us from. If it’s a person, search them up in the people search bar. If it’s a partner like another shelter or a rescue, find them in the partner menu.

5 What if I can’t find the person?

If you’ve searched for the person and they aren’t yet in your database, you can add them after running a search. We do this to prevent duplicate records as much as possible.

6 Searching by phone number and animal number

Did you know you can search for records by using the phone number or animal number? To do this, just type “#” and then the number. For example if the animal is AAA-A-324, then type #324 into the search bar. If a person’s phone number is (111) 222-3333, just type #1112223333.

7 Handling a litter or bonded pair

You can move litters around as a unit by marking them as “litter/bonded” in the status screen. That way, if you have to move a litter of kittens around, you can do it quickly and easily!